Relay for life, where there's hope! I have never gone to a relay for life before, and must say that I was taken back by all the luminaries, and families that were there to remember their loved ones. It was a beautiful warm summer night, as night fell all you saw were the lite luminaries what a image to take in. They then proceeded to read of all the names of the luminaries , there were people who kept walking and people who stood or sat by the luminary that they were there to remember. That evening I took the time to remember Debbie, Marie, Grandpa Tag, and Norma. May there be a cure soon so more lives are not lost.Then it was kicked off with two great bands. Lizzy Neal band being one of them, a must see!
Below is a picture of Daddy and Bay at the diaper derby that started off Relay for life.
One picture of one of the many luminaries that were there for Debbie Finkboner
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